Tui Na Massage Therapy
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
May help with
Neck pain
Back pain
Joint pain
Ankle / wrist pain
Sports injuries
Stomach problems
Hormonal problems
Tuina Massage Therapy London
Tuina is an ancient healing art that uses the hands to press on key points on the surface of the body. When points are stimulated, they release tension, increase circulation, and help the body's healing process.
For over two hundred years, Tuina has been used in place of physiotherapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic in China and it is gaining recognition throughout the world as an effective alternative to these therapies. Since 2010, Tuina has been recognised in China as a distinct medical system.
For over two hundred years, Tuina has been used in place of physiotherapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic in China and it is gaining recognition throughout the world as an effective alternative to these therapies.
What to expect:
A typical treatment is 45-60 minutes long.
You may be asked to undress (keep underwear on) while the massage therapist is out of the room, and lie down under a sheet on a padded massage table, or you may stay partially dressed, depending on the appropriate treatment plan.
Tuina is translated as Tui - ‘Push’ and Na -‘Grasp’. A Tuina practitioner can stimulate many points during a single treatment and utilises many more channels/meridians than acupuncture.
Tuina can also work on the muscles near a trauma and break down adhesions and scar tissue locally to increase the blood flow, nutrients, and oxygen (chi) to carry away damaged tissue.
This treatment is offered by: